Oral history interview with Mike Larsen

OOHRP, Oklahoma State University
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0:00 - Interview introduction

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: My name is Julie Pearson-Little Thunder. Today is tuesday, Novemcber 2, 2010 and I am interviewing Mike Larsen as part of native artist project sponsored by the Oklahoma Oral History's research program

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer, Julie Pearson-Little Thunder introduces the interviewee Mike Larsen.

Keywords: Artist; Mike Larsen; Native American; Native Indian

0:30 - Childhood- growing up in Wynnewood, Oklahoma

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You were born in Dallas and spent some of your early years there and when you moved to Oklahoma?
Larsen: Well, I was born in Dallas and pretty much immediately moved to Wynnewood, Oklahoma.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls his experience of growing up in Wynnewood, Oklahoma with his grandparents.

Keywords: Chidhood; Grandparents; Oklahoma; Wynnewood

1:56 - Early experience with art

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: What was your first, sort of art experience that you remember as a young child?
Larsen: As a young child, I don't remember art experiences as a young child? I can't bring anything to mind as a child.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls his experience with art during his teenage years.

Keywords: Art; Art class; Chickasaw; Native American; Native Indian; Painting; Relationship; Tribe

3:57 - Effect of polio

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: I read that you had a bout with polio as a child. Did that affect the way you sort of saw your experience.
Larsen: You know, it is hard to define it exactly how my thinking or my experiences have changed and all that.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls how being affected with polio forced him to learn to use his left hand. He also discusses how the disease and its effect on his body influenced his paintings.

Keywords: Art; Disease; Painting; Polio

5:42 - Experience with art at the junior college in Amarillo

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: Once you enrolled, was it the junior college in Amarillo and started of I guess taking classes, do you remember a point at which--did that nurture your interest in art or was that also a good experience?
Larsen: It was a really good experience. We had a very good director of the art department. He was from Washington D.C.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls his experience with art while he was at the junior college in Amarillo. He also talks about the subject matters of his paintings.

Keywords: Amarillo; Art; Drawing; Junior college; Painting; School; Schooling; Sculpture

8:20 - Experience at the University of Houston

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: And then you decided to go on to the University of Houston?
Larsen: Yes, I went to the University of Houston because there was this outstanding sculpture teacher there. I was moving to that direction. I was going to make my life as a sculptor.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls his time at the University of Houston where he went to be trained as a sculptor.

Keywords: College; School; Schooling; Sculpting; Sculpture; University of Houston

11:16 - Early street shows

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: And were these sort of just in the cities, were they in the region? How did you choose your shows?
Larsen: The street shows started in the city because I could not afford to travel.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about his earlier days of doing street shows after leaving the University of Houston. He also recalls doing Native Indian subjects for the first time during these years.

Keywords: Art; Art shows; Painting; Show; Street; Street shows

15:24 - Experience at the Art Students League of New York

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You made a decision to go to the Arts Students League when you were thirty-six, I think. I would like to talk a little bit about that period just because of course it is exciting to be in New York but also challenging I would imagine. How did you support yourself out there?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls his experience of being a student of the The Art Students League of New York. He talks about how being in New York enriched his experience.

Keywords: Acrylic; Art school; New York; Oil; School; Schooling; The Art Students League of New York

19:31 - Signature mark- larger than life hands

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Partial Transcript: Little-Thunder: I was wondering in one of your signature or stylistic devices of course are the sort of larger than life hands on some of your characters. Were you familiar with--have you seen the Paul Pletka show in the 80s at Oklahoma city?
Larsen: I saw it in Norman.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses his signature style, the larger than life hands. He explains what motivated this particular style.

Keywords: Art; Painting; Paul Pletka; Signature; Style

23:35 - Shows at art galleries

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: After you returned from the Art Students League, did you develop a relationship with some Oklahoma Indian art galleries? Which ones did you deal with?
Larsen: Took a while after that. When I got back from New York I never started for about a year.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls the period that he spent contemplating how to incorporate his learning into his paintings after he got back from the Art Students League. He also mentions some of the galleries where he did art shows.

Keywords: Art; Art show; Gallery; Painting

28:21 - Awards and honors

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: In 1987 you won grand award at the Red Earth festival and shortly after that first place at the Santa Fe Indian Market. What was it like getting those awards?
Larsen: I think the biggest award in a show, art show, that I have won was the one at the Red Earth.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about some of the awards that he won.

Keywords: Art; Art show; Painting; Red Earth; Santa Fe Indian Market

29:45 - Relationship and marriage

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: When did you and how did you meet Martha?
Larsen: Martha and I met at the Oklahoma City Arts Festival in Oklahoma city, the old Oklahoma City Arts Festival when it was down at the civic center with all those trees. That's where I first met Martha.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls how and where he met his wife Martha.

Keywords: Arts festival; Marriage; Oklahoma; Oklahoma city; Relation; Relationship; Wife

31:00 - Commission work from the State Arts Council

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: In 1991 you received a commission from the State Arts Council to do a five Indian ballerinas which you called the Fight of the Spirit. How did you approach that project?
Larsen: With astonishment. I never did anything that big.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen shares his thoughts on the commission work that he received from the Arts Council.

Keywords: Art; Art commission; Commission; Painting; State Arts Council

31:26 - Learning at the Arts Students League, NY

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You were 36 when you decided to go to the Arts Students League. Had you save money to go there or how did you manage to get there?
Larsen: I had saved a good amount of money because I was making a good living at the time with festivals and art shows like that.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen describes his time as student at the Arts Students League in New York and his learning experience under the tutelage of David Leffel. He discusses how this learning experience transformed his works.

Keywords: Art school; Arts Students League; David Leffel; New York; Paint; Paint quality; School; Schooling

36:20 - Returning to Oklahoma from New York

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: So when you came back to Oklahoma, you began doing shows again. Did that immediately take off?
Larsen: No, it took about a year or so for me to gather my thoughts.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about the period between his return to Oklahoma and starting art shows. He recalls this as a time when he gave up oil paints, adapted to acrylics, and experimented with the new techniques and styles that he learned while at New York.

Keywords: Acrylic; Art; Experiment; Painting; Style

37:21 - Meeting wife

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: Tell me about how and when you met Martha.
Larsen: Met Martha for the first time at the Oklahoma City Arts Festival when it was at the Civic Center, downtown.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls how he met his wife Martha.

Keywords: Marriage; Partner; Relationship

38:26 - Gallery relations

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You had cultivated some gallery relationships but I understand they were not in Oklahoma immediately when you came back.
Larsen: No, the galleries that I was associated with were in Santa Fe or in Taos.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls the names of the galleries that he worked with for some time when he returned from New York.

Keywords: Art; Art gallery; Gallery; Shows

38:55 - Subjects and styles

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: So you were doing native subject matter but with this quality of paint that you had evolved for yourself. Were you incorporating landscapes at all in those paintings yet or really more specialist?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about the subject matters of his paintings.

Keywords: Art; Landscape; Painting; Style; Subject matter

39:52 - Winning award at the Red Earth Arts Festival

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You did win first place at the Red Earth Arts festival and I imagine that was very gratifying. How did that feel?
Larsen: It was the best experience that we have had in winning and prize.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls his experience of winning the first prize at the Red Earth Arts Festival.

Keywords: Art festival; Art show; Award; Prize; Red Earth; Red Earth Arts Festival

40:38 - Influence of Native American artists

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: I was wondering what native artists kind of impacted you in some way. I think Allan Houser would be one.
Larsen: I think he would be the one.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses how Native American artists, especially Allan Houser influenced him.

Keywords: Art; Artists; Influece; Native American; Native Indian; Painting

41:52 - Commission work- Flight of Spirit

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: In 1991 you received the commission from the State Arts Council to paint the Five Indian Ballerinas from Oklahoma that you call the Flight of Spirit. How did you approach that project.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about the commission work that he received from the State Arts Council. He called this painting Flight of Spirit. He also talks about his experience of doing large paintings and murals.

Keywords: Art; Five Indian Ballerinas; Flight of Spirit; Native American; Native Indian; Painting

47:42 - Fire in the studio

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: Well, I understand that the fire in your studio was really a turning point for you career wise and in terms of some decisions that you made in your personal life too. Can you explain how that impacted you?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses how the fire in the studio affected his life and his career.

Keywords: Accident; Art; Fire; Studio

53:39 - Chickasaw living elders portraiture project

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: How did your project of portraying the Chickasaw elders come about?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about the Chickasaw living elders project for which he, Martha Larsen, and his fellow artists interviewed several Chickasaw elders and took photos of them before creating portraits of them.

Keywords: Art; Chickasaw; Chickasaw elders; Elders; Native American; Native Indian; Painting; Tribe

61:42 - Art show- Chickasaw elders project

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: How did you feel when the cultural center was open and the portraits were unveiled?
Larsen: Made me cry. You walk into the room and it was interesting because first twenty-four, we never saw them all together for a long time. We see one or two at a time. You walk into the room and see all twenty-four of them. It was astounding.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen recalls how he felt when he first saw all twenty-four paintings from the Chickasaw living elders project on display for the show. He also talks about the response that they received from the families and relatives of the people who were portrayed.

Keywords: Art; Art show; Chickasaw; Chickasaw elders project; Chickasaw living elders; Native American; Native Indian; Painting; Portraits; Project; Tribe

64:20 - Larger than life hands

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: I am gonna shift a little bit to talking about your philosophy and sort of practices in art today. I would like to talk a bit about the larger than life hands that you use in your portraits. What was one of your inspirations for developing that?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses how he developed his signature mark- the larger than life hands of his subjects.

Keywords: Art; Larger than life hands; Painting; Philosophy; Signature

68:07 - Painting series

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You've done did a number of series. Does that allow you to sort of explore subjects in more detail? Besides the Chickasaw paintings I know that you have done some series paintings. What are the advantages of doing series?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses the advantages of doing a series of pieces based on the same topic. He talks about the Potawatomi tribe series that included eight paintings. He also discusses the kind of research that goes into this kind of projects.

Keywords: Art; Chickasaw; Painting; Painting series; Potawatomi; Project; Research; Series

72:29 - Depicting another tribe in painting

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: That's always a process I think especially when you are an artists of one tribe depicting another tribe. Did you sort of go through the similar thing in the Horse Mountain Institute?
Larsen: As a matter of fact. But these were with Kiowa people.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses his experience of depicting another tribe in his paintings.

Keywords: Art; Kiowa; Native American; Native Indian; Painting; Tribe

74:13 - From sculptor to painter

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You know, it is really wonderful how you started out wanted to be a sculptor and then painting became really the primary focus of your art and then you sort of coming back around. It's still primary but you are doing a lot of sculpture. I am wondering if your mural work has facilitated or better enabled you to sort of take on some of this monumental sculptures.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen discusses his passion for sculpture.

Keywords: Art; Painter; Painting; Sculptor; Sculpture

76:44 - Creative process

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: Can you describe your creative process for me from the genesis maybe for painting or sculpture?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about the creative process that goes into each of his paintings.

Keywords: Art; Creative process; Inspiration; Painting

79:43 - Indian-ness and art

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: We've kind of talked about your work with the Chickasaws as being sort of an emotional homecoming. Do you see yourself as an artist who happens to be Indian or do you think of yourself as an Indian artist?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen describes where he stands in terms of his identity as an artist and in relation to his connection to Native Indian heritage.

Keywords: Artist; Indian; Indianness; Native American; Native Indian

81:21 - Chickasaw book project

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Partial Transcript: Little Thunder: You have done two books together. They know who they are and proud to be Chickasaw. Did you have a book in the back of your mind when you started the process or how did the idea of a book develop?

Segment Synopsis: Larsen talks about the books that came out of the Chickasaw living elders project.

Keywords: Art; Book; Chickasaw; Chickasaw book project; Hall of Fame; Painting; Project

84:38 - Painting- "Assumption of Mary"

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Partial Transcript: Larsen: This painting is one of the religious paintings or works of art that I do and Martha modeled for it.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen shows his painting "Assumption of Mary".

Keywords: Art; Assumption of Mary; Painting

85:15 - Painting - Indian leader

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Partial Transcript: Larsen: When we were showing at the gallery in Santa Fe, we did a series of paintings one year on the great leaders.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen shows one of the paintings from the great Indian leaders series.

Keywords: Art; Great Leaders; Painting; Series

86:44 - Painting- Grandfather

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Partial Transcript: Larsen: This is interesting because that is my grandfather that I lived with in Wynnewood.

Segment Synopsis: Larsen shows a painting of his grandfather that he did.

Keywords: Art; Grandfather; Painting